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Python ascii() Function

Jan. 22, 2021 PYTHON FUNCTION 6440

To learn about the ascii() function in Python, first, let's see some examples of ASCII and non-ASCII characters.

What are ASCII and non-ASCII characters?

ASCII stands for the "American Standard Code for Information Interchange".
It is a 7-bit character set containing 128 characters that include numbers from 0-9, the upper and lower case English letters(A-Z)(a-z), and some special characters.
It is a code for representing these 128 characters as numbers, with each letter assigned a number from 0 to 127.
For example:
  1. A capital "T" is represented by 84.
  2. A lowercase "a" is represented by 97.
  3. The escape key(ESC) is represented by 27.
In ASCII, each character corresponds to a number. There are other encoding systems that use a different letter/number encoding.
Any Character Set Encodings that are not ASCII (the American Standard Code for Information Interchange) are non-ASCII Character Set Encoding.
For example, EBCDIC(Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code), Unicode.
Some of the instances of non-ASCII characters are é, ç, ñ, etc.

Definition of ascii() 

The ascii() method is a built-in Python function that replaces any non-ASCII characters with escape characters(\x, \u or \U escapes). This method returns a string containing a readable and printable representation of an object(String, Tuple, List, Dictionary, etc.)
For example:
  1.  ö changes to \xf6n
  2. √ changes to \u221a.

Syntax of ascii() 


The ascii() method accepts an object like String, List, Tuple, Dictionary, etc. as a parameter.

Return value of ascii()

The return value of the ascii() method is always a String type.

<class 'str'>

So, now, after getting to know the basic definition of the ascii() method and its syntax, let's go through some examples to see its implementation.

How the ascii() method works?








In the above examples, we see that all the non-ASCII characters have been escaped, i.e, their encoded code gets displayed by using the ascii() method.
ê is changed to \xea
й is changed to \u0439
µ is changed to \xb5
Note: \x represents the Hex equivalent of a character and \u represents the Unicode value of a character.
Let's dive into more examples of ascii() method:


Example 1: String as a Parameter

# A normal string
str1 = "This is a plain text"

# A string containing non-ascii character
str2= 'Ä ballöon is in the air'

# To display a string having non-ASCII character value using print()
print('P\xa5thon is inter\xeasting')

'This is a plain text' 

'\xc4 ball\xf6on is in the air'

P¥thon is interêsting

In the above example, we have two strings, str1 and str2.  

str1 is a plain text with no non-ASCII characters and str2  contains two non-ASCII characters(Ä, ö). 

As we can see in the output, the non-ASCII character is replaced with a readable representation of the non-ASCII character:

Ä is changed to \xc4

ö is changed to \xf6

The bottom print() statement prints the non-ASCII characters of their respective encoded value:

\xa5 is changed to ¥

\xea is changed to ê

Example 2: List as a Parameter

myList = ['Librar¥', 'Böök']

['Librar\xa5', 'B\xf6\xf6k']

Here, we have a List, myList of two elements passed as a parameter to the ascii() method.

ö is changed to \xf6

¥ is changed to \xa5

Example 3: Tuple as a Parameter

myTuple = ('√9','√16', '√25')

['\u221a9', '\u221a16', '\u221a25']

Here, we have a Tuple, myTuple of three elements passed as a parameter to the ascii() method.

√ is changed to \u221a

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