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Operator Overloading in Python

Dec. 30, 2020 PYTHON OPERATOR 6164

Operator overloading refers to the ability of a built-in operator to behave differently according to the different operands we use with it.

For example, the operator ‘+’ is used to: 

  1.  Add two integers. 
  2. Concatenate two strings.
  3. Merge two lists.
#Concatenate two strings

#Add two numbers

#Multiply two numbers

#Repeation of a string






Here, the ‘+’ and ‘*’ operators have been overloaded for int and str classes.

Advantages of Operator Overloading:

  1. It provides reusability, instead of writing multiple methods that differ slightly we can simply write one method and overload it.
  2.  It also improves code clarity and eliminates complexity.
  3.  It makes code concise and simple to understand. 

Why operator overloading? 

Consider two objects of a user-defined data type, now if we try to multiply both with an operator * the compiler will throw an error because the compiler doesn’t know how to multiply the operands.

For example, let's take a case where we have defined our own Coordinates class with two attributes x and y. Now, objects of this class would represent different points and using ​+ directly on these points (objects) would give us an error. Let's look at the example to understand this.

class Coordinates:
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

p1 = Coordinates(1, 2)
p2 = Coordinates(2, 3)


Traceback (most recent call last): File "<string>", line 9, in <module> 


TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Coordinates' and 'Coordinates'. 

Here, the compiler is unable to understand what p1+p2 means.

To resolve this problem we can define a method to overload the + operator to change its functionality as per our needs.

​How to perform operator overloading?

To perform the operator overloading, python provides some special function or magic function which automatically gets invoked when associated with that particular operator. 
The name of the method should begin and end with a double underscore (__).
For example, when we use * operator, the magic method __mul__ is automatically invoked in which the operation for * operator is already defined.​
To overload the '+' operator, we will use the __add__ magic method.
class Coordinates: 
    def __init__(self, a,b): 
        self.a = a 
    # adding two objects  
    def __add__(self, o):
        return s3
print(s3.a) #sum of the x coordinates
print(s3.b) #sum of the y coordinates 




Here we have defined the __add()__ method and passed the Coordinates object and got the sum of the coordinates as the result.

This is how we can define the magic methods and can also change their behavior according to our needs.

In python whenever we use ‘+’ operator, python directly call the method that is associated to it i.e. __add()__ method.​

Python arithmetic on two complex numbers :

class complex:
    def __init__(self, real, imag):
        self.real = real
        self.imag = imag
    def __add__(self, other):
        return complex(self.real+other.real, self.imag+other.imag)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        return complex(self.real-other.real, self.imag-other.imag)
    def __str__(self):
        return str(round(self.real,2))+('+' if self.imag>=0 else '-')+str(round(abs(self.imag),2))+'i'

print("Enter real and imaginary part of complex No - 1(separeated by space)")
A = complex(*map(float,input().split())) #the numbers are split by the space between them and passed to the function. * is used to pass multiple values at the same time.
print("Enter real and imaginary part of complex No - 2(separeated by space)" )
B = complex(*map(float,input().split()))

print("Addition: " + str(A+B))
print("Subtraction: " + str(A-B))


​Enter real and imaginary part of complex No - 1(separeated by space)

2 3 

Enter real and imaginary part of complex No - 2(separeated by space) 

4 5 

Addition: 6.00+8.00i 

Subtraction: -2.00-2.00i

Here, we have entered two complex numbers, containing their real and imaginary parts. 

Now, these numbers are passed to the complex function, defined by us. 

After writing (A+B) python will automatically call the __add__() function because of (+) symbol. The same will happen for (-) symbol, the __sub__() function will be called.

Our function will now add and subtract, both real and imaginary parts of the numbers together, simultaneously. 

Now, the results will be passed to the __str()__ function, which will concatenate both the real and imaginary parts together.

Python magic function for binary operators overloading 

Magic Method
__add__(self, other)
__sub__(self, other)
__mul__(self, other)
__truediv__(self, other)
__pow__(self, other)
Floor Division
__floordiv__(self, other)
__mod__(self, other)
Bitwise Left Shift
__lshift__(self, other)
Bitwise Right Shift
__rshift__(self, other)
Bitwise AND
__and__(self, other)
Bitwise OR
__or__(self, other)
Bitwise XOR
__xor__(self, other)
Bitwise NOT
__invert__(self, other)

Python magic function for comparison operators overloading 

Python doesn't limit operator overloading to arithmetic operators. We can overload other operators like comparison, assignment operators as well.

For Example: If we want to overload greater than (>) and equal to operator (==)

class Comparison: 
    def __init__(self, a): 
        self.a = a 
    def __gt__(self, o): 
            return "m1 is greater than m2"
            return "m2 is greater than m1"
    def __eq__(self, o): 
        if(self.a == o.a): 
            return "Both are equal"
            return "Not equal"
m1 = Comparison(3)
m2 = Comparison(2)



m1 is greater than m2 

Not equal

Here we are passing two numbers into the function.

Case 1- After writing m1>m2, python will automatically call the __gt__() function, because of the (>) symbol

Case 2- Similarly, __eq__() will be called automatically after writing m3==m4

Once the conditions are checked, we will get our result.

Table of the magic methods for comparison operators:

Magic Method
Less Than
__lt__(SELF, OTHER)
Greater Than
__gt__(SELF, OTHER)
Less Than Equals 
__le__(SELF, OTHER)
Greater Than Equals
__ge__(SELF, OTHER)
__eq__(SELF, OTHER)
Not Equals
__ne__(SELF, OTHER)

Python magic function for assignment operators overloading

Assignment operators perform a particular operation on the value of a variable and assign the result to that variable. 

Magic Method
Subtraction Assignment
__isub__(SELF, OTHER)
Addition Assignment
__iadd__(SELF, OTHER)
Multiplication Assignment
__imul__(SELF, OTHER)
Division Assignment
__idiv__(SELF, OTHER)
Power Assignment
__ipow__(SELF, OTHER)
Floor Division Assignment
__ifloordiv__(SELF, OTHER)
Modulus Assignment
__imod__(SELF, OTHER)
Right Shift Assignment
__irshift__(SELF, OTHER)
Left Shift Assignment
__ilshift__(SELF, OTHER)
AND Assignment
__iand__(SELF, OTHER)
OR Assignment
__ior__(SELF, OTHER)
XOR Assignment
__ixor__(SELF, OTHER)

Now move ahead to the next chapter.

Learn the Python Programming Language and strengthen your grip on the subject. 

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