
4.Print the following pattern on the screen **** ** * ** ****


practice questions for C programming



    Since this question was in the practice section of the first topic, I am assuming you don’t want to use any loop to print the pattern. Hence you can just print the pattern as shown below.

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
    	printf("* * * *\n");
    	printf("  * *\n");
    	printf("   *\n");
    	printf("  * *\n");
    	printf("* * * *\n");
    	return 0;

    Otherwise, you can print the pattern using the following code.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    int main(void) {
    	int i, j, k;
    	// printing 1st three rows
    	for(i=0; i<=2; i++) {
    		// printing spaces before first star in each row
    		for(k=i+1; k>0; k--) {
    			if(i>0) {
    				printf(" ");
    		// printing stars in each row
    		for(j=pow(2, (2-i)); j>0; j--) {
    			printf("* ");
    	// printing fourth and fifth rows
    	for(i=1; i>=0; i--) {
    		// printing spaces before first star in each row
    		for(k=i+1; k>0; k--) {
    			if(i>0) {
    				printf(" ");
    		// printing stars in each row
    		for(j=pow(2, (2-i)); j>0; j--) {
    			printf("* ");
    	return 0;


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