
Bank Account


Lets create a bank account. Create a class named 'BankAccount' with the following data members

1 - Name of depositor

2 - Address of depositor

3 - Type of account

4 - Balance in account

5 - Number of transactions

Class 'BankAccount' has a method for each of the following

1 - Generate a unique account number for each depositor For first depositor, account number will be BA1000, for second depositor it will be BA1001 and so on

2 - Display information and balance of depositor

3 - Deposit more amount in balance of any depositor

4 - Withdraw some amount from balance deposited

5 - Change address of depositor

After creating the class, do the following operations

1 - Enter the information (name, address, type of account, balance) of the depositors. Number of depositors are to be entered by user.

2 - Print the information of any depositor.

3 - Add some amount to the account of any depositor and then display final informaion of that depositor

4 - Remove some amount from the account of any depositor and then display final informaion of that depositor

5 - Change the address of any depositor and then display the final information of that depositor

6 - Randomly repeat these processes for some other bank accounts and after that print the total number of transactions.


  •    Naten

    Hello! With its user-friendly interface and commitment to providing a seamless banking experience, Chime Bank is becoming more popular among people looking for an efficient way to manage their money. When you use their services, you can be sure that your transactions will go through quickly and without any problems. And if a slight difficulty arises, you don’t even have to look for chime bank phone number since in the application you can contact a company representative, and he will be happy to help.

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