
Did anyone know the answer for this question? I try to display all the data after input the data of user but its error

   Nurul Hanan

Write a program of a bank account. Create a class named 'BankAccount' with

the following data members

1 - Name of depositor

2 - Address of depositor

3 - Type of account

4 - Balance in account

5 - Number of transactions

Class 'BankAccount' has a method for each of the following :

1 - Generate a unique account number for each depositor. For first

 depositor, account number will be BA1000, for second depositor it will

 be BA1001 and so on

2 - Display information and balance of depositor

3 - Deposit more amount in balance of any depositor

4 - Withdraw some amount from balance deposited

5 - Change address of depositor

The program can do the following operations :

1 - Enter the information (name, address, type of account, balance) of

 the depositors. Number of depositors are to be entered by user.

2 - Print the information of any depositor.

3 - Add some amount to the account of any depositor and then display

 final information of that depositor

4 - Remove some amount from the account of any depositor and then

 display final information of that depositor

5 - Change the address of any depositor and then display the final

 information of that depositor

6 - Randomly repeat these processes for some other bank accounts and

 after that print the total number of transactions.


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