
Displaying the length of a user-entered function


So my code is:


int main()
    char name[25];
    int length;
    length = strlen(name);
    printf("Enter your name.\n");
    printf("The length of your name is %d", length);
    return 0;


But the output only returns “1” no matter how many characters I put, wha have I done incorrectly?

  • I meant displaying the length of a user entered STRING***
    - Ben


    int main()
        char name[25];
        int length;
        //You have not given any value to the variable name
        //So, the value here is 0
        //length = strlen(name);
        printf("Enter your name.\n");
        //Now your variable has a value
        //So, you can calculate the length of it.
        length = strlen(name);
        printf("The length of your name is %d", length);
        return 0;


    • I’m confused, how does your answer differ from mine, aside from where you define the value of length, isn’t it the same code? And since I define length before I print it, why does it matter?
      - Ben
    • Ohhhhh I get it now, because name doesn’t have a value before I define length, because I define length before I get the value of name, the value of length remains zero, is that correct?
      - Ben
    • Yes.
      - Amit Kumar

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