
on runing below code nothing is displayed.If I remove a=a+1 then it is printing why so? ignore the header & other declaration


for (a=4;a<=100;a++)
        if ((a%2!=0)&&(a%3!=0))






    This is because on writing a=a+1, the if condition will be checked only when the value of a is a multiple of 2 (4, 6, 8, etc). In that case, the condition will become false and so nothing will be printed.

    Here is a more detailed explanation.

    First iteration of for loop (a=4).

    • if condition is checked when a=4. Therefore the condition becomes false and nothing gets printed.
    • a=a+1 makes a=5.

    Second iteration of for loop (a=6 because a++ increments value of a by 1)

    • if condition is checked when a=6. Again the condition becomes false and nothing gets printed.
    • a=a+1 makes a=7.

    and this goes on.

    If you remove a=a+1, the condition of if will be checked when the value of a is a natural number greater than 4 (4, 5, 6, 7, etc).

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