
Stacks and queues


What would be the value of queues Q1, Q2 and stack S after the following algorithm segment: 1. S = createStack 2. Q1 = createQueue 3. Q2 = createQueue 4. enqueue (Q1, 5) 5. enqueue (Q1, 6) 6. enqueue (Q1, 9) 7. enqueue (Q1, 0) 8. enqueue (Q1, 7) 9. enqueue (Q1, 5) 10. enqueue (Q1, 0) 11. enqueue (Q1, 2) 12. enqueue (Q1, 6) 13. loop (not emptyQueue(Q1)) 1. Dequeue(Q1,x) 2. If(x==0) 1.z=0 2.loop(not emptyStack(S) 1. popStack(S,y) 2. z=z+y 3.end loop 4.enqueue(Q2,z) 3. else 1.pushStack(S,x) 4. end if 14. end loop


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