
Additional income


Hello everyone! Can you tell me if it's a good idea to get into online ways to make money? Are there any reliable sources?


  •    BalanceB

    Just don't get into gambling or anything like that because you'll just lose your money, it's a bad idea.

  •    MarkUltra

    It really depends on your skills, and many people get into freelance or anything like that. But personally, I managed to make money by playing cs go, I just sell skins. You can check out and see how profitable it can be to sell something like that from time to time.

  •    Veloriaos

    Do you mean online games or real ones? I like basketball. We usually meet with a friend at weekends to play it outside. If the weather is bad for playing, we rent a gym or we also like playing Of course, it is not useful for my body but it can be good for the brain.

  •    Artemisin

    Everything has to be done slowly. There is no safe way to make money fast. If you are sad or bored because of it, play stumble guys online

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