
calculate employees salary


Write a program that will calculate the salary for employees at Best retail store. The 
program must use two overloaded functions, each named calcSalary.  The first 
function must calculate the salary for a permanent employee. It will have one 
parameter of type char representing the type of duties that the employee performs. 
The second function will calculate the salary for a temporary employee. It will have a 
parameter of type char representing the duties of a temporary worker and a second 
parameter of type int representing the number of hours that the employee works per 
The main function should request the user to specify whether the worker is a 
permanent employee (represented by the character ‘p’) or temporary employee 
(represented by the character ‘t’). The user should then be asked to enter the type 
of duties performed by the employee. The possible duties for permanent employees 
are sales, represented by the character ‘s’ or stock control, represented by the 
character ‘c’. The possible duties for temporary employees are merchandising, 
represented by the character ‘m’ or stock counting, represented by the character ‘c’. 
If the employee is temporary, the user must be asked to input the number of hours 
that the employee works per month as well. Temporary employees either work 60 
hours or 102 hours per month. The main function should then call correct 
overloaded function and display the salary.
Define four double constant variables: PERM_PER_HOUR_SALES with a value of 
30.70, PERM_PER_HOUR_STOCK with a value of 28.50, TEMP_PER_HOUR_MERCH 
with a value of 17.90 and TEMP_PER_HOUR_COUNT with a value of 16.80, 
representing the rate per hour to be used in the calculation of the salary for 
permanent and temporary employees respectively according to their duties. Also 
define an int constant variable PERM_HOURS with a value of 192 representing the 
number of hours that a permanent employee works per month.
You are required to:
a.  Draw a flowchart for the problem
b.  Write a c++ program for the problem


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