
Composition)Write a java program that contains classes Date, Employee and EmployeeTest.


(Composition)Write a java program that contains classes Date, Employee and
Class Date declares instance variables month, day and year to represent a date. Create a
constructor that receives three int parameters for initializing the objects. Provide a toString
method to obtain the object’s String representation.
Class Employee has instance variables firstName, lastName, birthDate and hireDate.
Members firstName and lastName are references to String objects. Members birthDate and
hireDate are references to Date objects. Create Employee constructor that takes four
parameters representing the first name, last name, birth date and hire date for initializing
the objects. Provide a toString to returns a String containing the employee’s name and the
String representations of the two Date objects.
Class EmployeeTest creates two Date objects to represent an Employee’s birthday and hire
date, respectively. It creates an Employee’s object and initializes its instance variables by
passing to the constructor two Strings (representing the Employee’s first and last names)
and two Date objects (representing the birthday and hire date)


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